Rehabilitation of 22 number of tanks in Anuradhapura District
ASM Project spent rehabilitated 22 number of Tanks in Anuradhapura District and handed over to Agriculture Department to use for community near those areas.Hon Minister P Harrison and Project Director Dr. Rohan Wijekoon participated for this event on 05th August 2019.
ASM Signed the buyback agreements with Laymen’s Den Agro Business Pvt. Ltd and farmers of passion fruit technology demonstration park in Galewala
ASM Project signed the buy back agreement with Laymen's Den Agro Business Pvt. Ltd and farmers in Galewela on 30th July 2019.This helps to motivate farmers to involve in agriculture and earn more money during the year by selling their harvest...
FBS Training in Kaluthavalai
Deputy Director of Agriculture in Eastern Province inspect the chilli cultivation in Kaluthavalai ,Eastern Province
ASM Signed Buyback agreement with Ellawala Horticulture Pvt. Ltd and farmers of TJC Mango technology park at Wawala, Mathale
ASM Project signed the buy back agreement with TJC mango farmers in Wawala ,Matale and Ellawala Horticulture Pvt. Ltd on 30th July 2019.This helps farmers to sell their harvest to the company for reasonable and stable price.
Signing the buy back agreements with CBL Natural Foods (Private) Limited and Pineapple Growers’ Association in Medagama ,Monaragala District
ASM Project signed the buy back agreements with CBL Natural Foods (Private) Limited and the Pineapple Growers’ Association in Medagama cluster , Monaragala District on 10/07/19. Medagama pineapple cluster established by ASMP to enhance the productivity of farmers and...
Rehabilitation of tanks and market access roads on Thanthirimale /Oyanaduwe and another ATDP in Anuradhapura District.
To enhance the Productivity of the Sri Lankan farmers ASMP Started to establish ATDPs (Agriculture Technology Demonstration Parks) in many areas .Under this rehabilitation of tanks and market access roads are going on Thanthirimale /Oyanaduwe and another ATDP in...