Closing ceremony of Agriculture Sector Modernization Project 


Introduction of new potato seed technology to Badulla

Introduction of new potato seed technology to Badulla

As a result of the Agriculture Modernization project, new potato seed technology has been introduced to the Badulla. The pictures below are about the Agriculture demonstration park and these will be the first time the country has introduced potato seed technology....

National Review Committee visit to ISP Clusters

National Review Committee visit to ISP Clusters

National review committee visited the ISP Clusters to see the present status of fields and meet and share the information of farmers who involved in cultivations as Small banana , Chilli ,Cucumber ,Guava etc. They visited all the fields located in Northern province ,...

“Mahaweli Hot” introduced to the market

“Mahaweli Hot” introduced to the market

Under the contribution and supervision of ASM Project, farmers of Anuradhapura Chilli cluster involved the  the  dry chilli packing project. They introduced their products to the market as "Maheweli Hot"

Chilli Cluster in Galaboda ,Nawalapitiya- Kandy

Chilli Cluster in Galaboda ,Nawalapitiya- Kandy

ASMP started chilli cluster in Galaboda ,Nawalapitiya- Kandy with 44 farmers .We contributed this with Drip irrigation ,Fertigation Techniques and poly mulch. Now farmers enjoy the beauty of flowering stage in this fields.

කෘෂි අංශ නවීකරණ ව්‍යාපෘතිය මගින්  කෘෂි අංශ නවීකරණයෙන් පිබිදෙන වෙල්ලස්ස.

කෘෂි අංශ නවීකරණ ව්‍යාපෘතිය මගින් කෘෂි අංශ නවීකරණයෙන් පිබිදෙන වෙල්ලස්ස.

බුත්තල වැල් දොඩම් කලාපයේ වගුරුවෙල, පැල්වත්ත, පුහුල්කොටුව වසම් වල ඉහළ ඝනත්වයකින් නව ක්‍රමයට වගා කළ වැල් දොඩම් වගාවේ කාගිල්ස් ආයතනය සමග වෙළඳ ගිවිසුම් අනුව අද අස්වනු නෙළීම හා අලෙවිය ආරම්භ කල අතර මේ වන විට සැලසුම් කළ නව ක්‍රමයෙන් ව්‍යාපෘතිය බලාපොරොත්තු වූ අස්වැන්න වැඩි...

Preparing Ambul Banana in Anuradhapura for Export Market

Preparing Ambul Banana in Anuradhapura for Export Market

Getting ready to export Embul banana for the first time from Sri Lanka with the technical assistance of Dr. Julian , a consultant working for the Agriculture Sector Modernization project. A verification of export protocol is being tested with a reefer container ....

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