Agriculture Sector Modernization Project
The Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) with $58.63 million from International Development Agency of the World Bank, is implementing the five-year Agriculture Sector Modernization Project (ASMP) in five provinces and seven districts: Northern province (Jaffna and Mullaitivu ), North Central province (Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa), Eastern province (Batticaloa), Central province ( Matale) and Uva province (Monaragala).
The five additional Districts funded under EU co-financing through WB are Killinochchi, Vavuniya (2 Districts of the Northern Province), Ampara (1 District from Eastern Province), Badulla (1 District from Uva Province), and Kandy (1 District from Central Province).
Amount of EUR 23.31 million (US$ 28 million) is allocated as a grant by the European Union (EU) to the ASMP through World Bank to support the establishment of ATDPs in five more Districts, increasing the total number of project Districts up to 12 in the 6 provinces.
The ASMP aims to support smallholder farmers to produce competitive high-value agricultural products, improve their ability to respond to market needs and access domestic and international markets and become efficient and sustainable market participants..